A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.
Terhibur sia awal2 pagi ni.
No.5, perhaps i should try find a smaller trap. I really have problem with snoozing the alarm clock.
Set at 4.30, wakes at 5.30….erghhh
😉 no.8 fav and advise yg ganjil but so true.. 🙂 And the daily thought… hahahaha… ya, true some people bring smile to me when I push them down the stair *sadist*
Terhibur sia awal2 pagi ni.
No.5, perhaps i should try find a smaller trap. I really have problem with snoozing the alarm clock.
Set at 4.30, wakes at 5.30….erghhh
by the end of the week automatik bangun tu pasal takut kesakitan tangan
Haha! No 8 is soo true..
yes, so very true
i like no 8 too!
no.9- selalu kena mula dengan katuk2 dulu tu barang, lepas tu kalau tidak bagus barulah bilang ada masalah teknikal bah ni… hehehe
sebelum tu goncang2 dulu baru katuk hahaha
Love the satire! Haha!
😉 no.8 fav and advise yg ganjil but so true.. 🙂 And the daily thought… hahahaha… ya, true some people bring smile to me when I push them down the stair *sadist*