North Borneo Geek
Food and Drink

Smiles at Sailor’s

Smiles at Sailors Cafe

This photo was taken 14 August 2010, a surprise birthday party at Sailor’s Cafe. I noticed that it was mentioned in a few blog; the place I mean, not the surprise birthday party. I remember back when I was taking my PADI Open Water diving course, Nestor was telling us how he planned to open up a Boutique Cafe, and I never thought it was going to be this cozy, a very relaxed looking place. Nestor is still trying to get one piece of item to complete his wall of fame, an oxygen tank full with signature of…

US! His diving buddies.

Something caught my eyes on Nestor’s wall of fame, a photo of books, and of course one particular book.

It’s the Life of Pi, because people called me Pai, so there you go. I wonder if it’s a good read, Nestor says its good. Want to know another thing that caught my attention?

The men’s toilet. I was reading the black board at the top Nestor’s wall when I saw “photos in the mens toilet not for sale”, so I went to take a look. I heard the powder room looked nice too. I don’t want to risked being called a pervert trying to take a peek at the powder room though. If you are thinking of “relieving” yourself here, it’s a no go. The toilet door is semi-transparent. We know what you did in that toilet.

Sailor’s cafe is at Grand Millennium Plaza, the same block with Krishna Curry House & Baba Nyonya, at first floor. You can’t miss the signboard.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

9 thoughts on “Smiles at Sailor’s

    • HAHAHA trus mcm kalau pigi sana mesti pigi tandas dulu 😛

  • My frens also ramai pigi sini. Tidak aci… mesti pegi juga ni once I’m in KK soon. Jelesss!

    • you should. Nestor the owner/chef pun peramah orgnya. tanya saja apa kau mau tanya di “wall of fame” dia. lupa sya, thursday dia going fishing jadi sailor’s tutup 🙂

  • i also want to go.. banyak kali tinguk gambar and dingar ur stories.. jeles lar… haha

    • kami jealous sama korang berdua. last week nestor sudah buat advance!

  • warh!!! uinah… ada buddy buat night dive uda.. kkakak..! eh.. sy mo beli gears lar.. korang ada orang yang uda beli ka? any recommendation?

    • louis ada recommend satu tempat di KL. lupa sudah, i remember scuba pro. yg lain2 beli sama louis la. 2nd hand from japan, looked brand new lagi. kami semua belum beli lagi. sya maybe beli sebelum pigi mabul. maybe ambil advance juga sebelum mabul

  • o.. em.. sy ada tu mask ja now.. ingat mo ambik com and also flippers first.. cause ari tu ambik advance kaki berblister nie.. te ngam tu flipper buruk.. until now masi berkurap cause of that.. hm.. maybe get it here lar.. teda ngam masa p KL beli o.. huhu


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